But the creator of this tag, Jayne from Booking-awesome tagged me! Thanks, Jayne! :)
QUESTION #1: How many times do you check your email everyday?
Everyday, every night. When there are just times where I find myself bored, I check my e-mail. My email is universal, and I use it for everything. I have quite a few for school, for my accounts and for personal use. I feel the need of being updated every time, so it's necessary!
QUESTION #2: How many times to you go one Goodreads?
Daily! Proven, and guilty. The app on my phone always updates me regarding the notifications, and the like. And I like looking at my dashboard/feed, checking what are my goodreads friends up to.
QUESTION #3: How long does it take to edit your posts?
Sometimes, it takes a looooong time. Sometimes, I just draft them, then get back to them and then edit. Then post. Then edit again.
QUESTION #4: What kind of laptop do you use?
I used to have an HP spectre, but sadly it wont turn on anymore! But now, I'm using an 11inch Macbook Air that my mom used to own. :)
QUESTION #5: How often do you check your Twitter?
I am very guilty of using it daily! YUP. Not kidding. I only have one, which is a personal twitter that's opened in public! I do not tweet as much as I did as before, but I always visit and scroll, and scroll, and scroll!
QUESTION #6: Why do you use Blogger, WordPress, etc.?
Blogger is more efficient when it comes to posting my blogs as it's connected to my e-mail! It's very convenient for me to use. Also, I am not very much aware of how to use other blogsites!
QUESTION #7: Are you good at keeping up with reviews, tags, etc.?
To be honest, not really. Sometimes, I just read a lot of books. When I finish one, I head to the next without making a review. But I do share my thoughts in goodreads! Also in my monthly wrap ups. With tags, as I have said earlier, this is my first tag here for this blog. I don't get tagged often, so that's that!
QUESTION #8: How many times a week do you post?
This is where I suck the most... as much as I would like to post, I honestly don't that much. Simply because I just don't know what to post. This blog is actually for different varieties of posts, but it contains a bit more about books. I post from zero to two posts a week. I'm hoping to improve with my blogging soon! Hopefully when I get free time, I'll plan the flow of the blog. That will come very soon. :)
I'm tagging:
Alex from Fastidious Reader
Pearl from Biblio-pearl
Amber from My Bookshelf is Hungry
I don't really know many people in this blog-world to be honest! But I'll update this post then tag them, when I can! :)